Working with Supernatural Phenomena
Supernatural or “dark energy” intrusions have historically been left to the priests, medicine men, and shamans. These intrusions can now be addressed via the Dynamic Energetic Healing® model, which recognizes supernatural or parapsychological influence as an element that may block clients from resolving the problems that bring them to the therapist’s office. One does not have to believe in the veracity of curses or demons in order to release these negative energies. I do, however, respect the power of these forces, because I have witnessed the significant negative impact they can have on clients’ ability to return to wholeness. To ignore the power and influence of the shadow side of human nature or supernatural influences, however you define them, would be as naïve as it would be irresponsible. Dynamic Energetic Healing® provides a therapeutic context in which issues that Western culture usually considers to be outside the consensus reality agreement can be addressed effectively and free of religious overtones.
What I have found to be true, and what has been carefully researched by William J. Baldwin in Spirit Releasement Therapy (1992) and by psychiatrist Shakuntala Modi in Remarkable Healings (1997), is that there are supernatural forces at play in our world. Traditional psychology has largely ignored these forces, but the field of parapsychology continues to inquire into them. Even Freud, in Civilization and Its Discontents ([1929] 1955), was aware of how our traditional religious institutions have been slowly losing their influence over society as a whole and over the primitive impulses of the id. Freud discusses collective acts of evil and how the powerful forces of the psyche, if left uncontrolled or ungoverned by religious belief systems, would eventually create social chaos.
Whether we call this phenomenon the psyche, the id, or supernatural forces, it is essential to acknowledge how much it can influence every individual to perpetrate evil. We know it is important to recognize that certain groups of people are often the targets, the scapegoats, of violence that arises from the unacknowledged needs of their persecutors. What is even more important to realize is that all actions including violent ones originate within individuals who I believe are largely influenced by these powerful supernatural forces.
In the Dynamic Energetic Healing® model, there are times when it is important to name the particular form or expression of dark energy influence for what it is and how it is interfering in the client’s life. When we name it, we acknowledge the larger collective energy field or archetype that is being accessed. C.G. Jung’s (1961) concept of the archetype is “ ... derived from the repeated observation that, for instance, the myths and fairy-tales of world literature contain definite motifs which crop up everywhere. We meet these same motifs in the fantasies, dreams, deliria, and delusions of individuals living today.” Naming the dark energy influence gives meaning to the particular problem, puts it into a larger context that makes it less personal, and allows clients to put the problem into a frame of reference that is meaningful to their own belief system. It’s possible for more comprehensive healing to occur as a result.
Common supernatural issues frequently encountered in Dynamic Energetic Healing® include curses (intentional, unintentional and inherited), dark energy psycho-toxic contamination (often called intrusions), earth-bound spirit attachment, soul loss and soul stealing. With the help of having established a sacred space in the psychotherapeutic context, it’s possible for all of these phenomena to be successfully and carefully resolved; This is often the key to releasing what had been persistent, constricting and binding trauma along with its chronic symptomatology. By knowing about the existence of these phenomena and using behavioral kinesiological methods judiciously, it’s possible for clients to be released from what had previously been terrible and chronic pain and suffering.