Establishing Energetic Boundaries
In Dynamic Energetic Healing®, the interpersonal relational context remains central for the establishment of healthy boundaries (since personal relationships are a core issue of psychotherapy), but establishing energetic boundaries is substantially expanded (from the codependent model of the 1970’s and 1980’s) to include other related or linked contexts as well. These additional linked contexts organically emerge when I begin to inquire about how and where clients feel disempowered in their lives. For example, if during the diagnostic phase of the initial muscle testing it is determined that you (the client) have no energetic boundaries with your family of origin, this would likely become our subsequent focus. I would inquire in detail about all aspects of your relationship to your family: What are the particular disturbance factors you experience? How are you being affected right this moment when you talk about or think about your family? What are your thoughts, your feeling states, and your overall relationship to them? The more information we can bring into the field, the more the relational context is defined and expanded and the more you will have to focus on during the subsequent interventions to create the balance. Our goal in this scenario is to restore 100 percent of your energetic boundaries with your family. We will select the appropriate interventions and muscle test afterwards to determine if you are now at 100 percent (at all six levels). If we have succeeded, it means that you have made a frequency shift at an energetic level to create a harmonic resonance in relation to your family. This is yet another demonstration reflecting the power of focused intention in relation to a specific context and specific outcome. There may still be unresolved and residual trauma with your family that remains to be dealt with. However, since doing this boundary balance to “reset” the energetic relationship between you and your family, you have now built in an insulating layer of energetic protection that creates a safety zone in which to address the dreaded trauma. You will now be able to think about your family without getting into an extreme emotional state. If need be, you will be able to talk to family members over the telephone without PTSD symptoms getting triggered. Once your energetic boundaries have been established, we will continue to inquire with manual muscle testing about any other family-related boundary issues. These could include unfinished business with particular individuals, particular incidents that occurred within the family, a particular time during your life with your family, and so on. Our goal is to map out the entire matrix of disturbances that, in one way or another, have created weak links in your energetic field (which normally keeps you in a state of homeostatic balance) vis-à-vis your family. The more we are able to identify and define specific relational contexts that are pertinent to our working intention or goal, the easier the work becomes. Energetic boundaries essentially reframe how we are related to something that is creating a disturbance in our life. Our ultimate goal is an optimal, appropriate relationship between you and the disturbance. Boundary work is one of the most important focal points of Dynamic Energetic Healing®. As you may have gathered by now, any problematic context can be addressed from this conceptualization of energetic boundaries. Common client issues that appear to be resolved by establishing or restoring energetic boundaries include the following: sleeping difficulties, compulsive overeating, dealing with particular emotions such as anger or sadness, specific individuals, work environments, air travel and airports, weather (such as the continuous cold, gray, wet weather during our winter in Oregon), and psychic phenomena, (such as being too psychically open and being overwhelmed with information that is unsolicited). Clients have reported that once their energetic boundaries are in optimal and proper relationship with the context that had previously been disrupting their lives, they experience relief as the anxiety and fear that had been tyrannizing them literally appears to evaporate. Copyright © 2005, by Howard Brockman, LCSW. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing by the author. | |
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