Please be advised the testimonials presented below do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using Dynamic Energetic Healing® for any particular purpose or issue. " I am writing this letter to share my experiences with Howard Brockman, LCSW and counselor. I was referred to Howard by a dear friend, as I suffered from severe situational anxiety due to a series of traumatic events. I also suffered from depression and had begun to think about ending my life, as my situation seemed hopeless. Howard's office and waiting room are welcoming, as is Howard. He listened intently to my story, asked penetrating and pertinent questions, and together we mapped out a process for identifying and removing emotional and mental blockages. His approach is unique, combining the best of Western psychology with Eastern techniques to correct subtle energy blockages. I found his ability to use both Western and Eastern techniques, and his ability to explain using both paradigms to be fascinating, informative, and in my case, extremely effective. We first concentrated on a tremor of my left arm, an uncontrollable symptom of my extreme anxiety. After the first session, the tremor was reduced by 80 percent! Over a series of five sessions, my anxiety and startle response returned to normal states, and my depression and thoughts of suicide have completely disappeared. My wife and friends have commented on the remarkable changes I have made in such a short period of time. His loving acceptance, intuitive nature, and unique combination of skills have been a blessing to my life, and I would highly recommend him to anyone with mental or emotional needs. " - Michael Sumner, Sr. . . . . . . . "I feel a deep sense of gratitude toward Howard Brockman, as he has helped me through the application of Dynamic Energetic Healing overcome my debilitating migraine headaches. I have been suffering from migraine headaches for over thirty-six years. I have never been symptom free for more than a week and had to take up to four different medications to control the severity of the symptoms. Over the years I have consulted many specialists to find treatment approaches that would work for me; however none of those have made a long lasting difference. I began working with Howard on this problem approximately three months ago. After the first session I noticed already a change in the pattern of my headaches as I was able to maintain migraine free for almost three weeks. Since then, I had two follow-up sessions with Howard to work further on this particular issue. I now have been migraine free for over eight weeks and I did not require any medications during this period! Since working with Howard, I feel my life has been given back to me as I am healthy and energetic again. Thank you, Howard." - Angelika Schmoll, Depoe Bay, Oregon . . . . . . . "It’s hard for me to find the words to express my deep gratitude for the energetic healing work you performed. The heaviness and low level sense of dread that I awoke to each morning of my life is gone. I’m experiencing a heightened sense of joy and confidence like never before. When our paths crossed I had resigned myself to my current state of being. I had tried the majority of the modern Western therapeutic methods with no success. I will always look back at our time together as the moment when the clouds lifted, revealing the vast blue skies of my life. A deep heart felt thank you, Howard." - S. Murphy, Teacher . . . . . . . "After suffering for several months with some minor depression, as well as some major physical ailments, my 22-year-old daughter did some energetic healing work with Howard. She felt immediately better after their session. Then, a few days later, she told me that food was actually tasting better and lights were looking brighter. I knew from my own past experience with Howard that this type of healing work can have profound effects. I was so thankful that my daughter experienced this, too, and that her depression was being healed. She has recently stopped taking the small dose of Prozac she'd been on for over 18 months." - Joan Miller, Salem, Oregon . . . . . . . "I have learned and used many conventional and energy treatment modalities over my 30 year career as a therapist. Howard's application of DEH led me to some of the most profound and rapid growth I have ever experienced. Thanks, Howard." - Don Manghelli, LCSW, Portland, Oregon . . . . . . . "Howard saved my life. Though I am an accomplished and capable person, I had been experiencing an ever-diminishing will to live and an increasing confusion about my “right place” in the world despite 40 years of my own, diligent efforts to figure out my life. Howard's intuitive nature, masterful and diverse skills and his ability, using his DEH model, to discern alternate influences that I would have never figured out trying to talk it out and/or think and analyze more, made the difference for me. Thanks for being in my life, Howard." - Greg Warburton, LPC, Corvallis, Oregon . . . . . . . "Dynamic Energetic Healing® is a fascinating, useful and accessible process for treating clients across a broad clinical spectrum. Having completed Level I and Level II trainings, it is clear that the procedure works. Understanding how and why it works will lead clients and facilitators to a paradigm shift in their thinking beyond mind-body models of healing. In the Dynamic Energetic Healing® text, Howard Brockman, LCSW, has managed to synthesize many ideas and techniques from energy psychology, and elegantly demonstrates their effectiveness as alternatives to cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic and other trusted therapy approaches. Then he breaks away from the crowd and non-defensively shows how we can connect with Spirit, our essential being, and clarify our deepest intentions." - Michael Alter, LCSW, Portland, Oregon . . . . . . . "Dynamic Energetic Healing® is a remarkably effective healing process. It is holisticat once spiritual, psychological, and physical. It can be transformational, helping one open to new possibilities of inner freedom and harmony. It is respectful of, and guided by, one's own intentions and deepest wisdom. And it can foster changes in shorter periods of time than more traditional forms of therapy. There is much to learn and benefit from Dynamic Energetic Healing®." What makes me feel so good about Howard's approach is a simple truth: it works. You end up feeling freer, more peaceful, and more vital. Along the way, the process can be deeply challenging to limiting inner realities you may have unwittingly grown comfortable with. From time to time, the process also may cause you to wonder why the healing spirits aren't working more quicklyor whether they even exist. Yet the work is also fascinating, as you mine with Howard the veins of diverse healing traditions and see what gifts these traditions might hold. Working with Howard leads to a more fulfilling life and to a more spacious sense of life's possibilities. To anyone who seriously seeks more wholeness and happiness, I enthusiastically recommend Dynamic Energetic Healing®. - Glen Fielding, Ph.D., Salem, Oregon . . . . . . . "I never imagined that this work would turn out to be so powerful for me. It is the missing link and a natural fit with my Shamanic Healing work. I'm so grateful that you have created this model and are so willing to share it with us. I feel blessed." - Wendy Jensen, LCSW, Portland, Oregon . . . . . . . "The best thing about DEH is that it provides a tried and true structure that both elegantly facilitates a client’s healing, and at the same time allows a heart-felt following of the client's own process. The result is, for me, completely magical: unpredictable in process, yet always resulting in powerful shifts and healing for the client. I was initially drawn to the way that Shamanic Healing is incorporated into the DEH model, because I have been a Shamanic Healing practitioner for several years. I have been looking for some kind of practice to incorporate alongside Shamanic Healing because it takes care of only the spiritual side of an issue. I wanted something that would cover a wider range of issues that folks come in with, and give me demonstrable results. For anyone who already has a good relationship with the compassionate spirits, I have experienced that the DEH model sets up space for the Spirits to do their work, when spiritual healing is called for, often in dramatic ways. One of the remarkable things about DEH is that any kind of vibrational or Energetic Healing disciplines that you already know can be easily incorporated into this model. With great joy, I brought essential oils and sacred song into my own practice. Howard Brockman is an excellent teacher. Finally, thanks to this training, I am getting accurate and consistent results with manual muscle testing. The DEH model is thorough. For the first time in my years of exploring the world of alternative and complementary healing, I can say, with confidence, that I can assist a client in getting to the actual root of an issue and totally clearing it. If there is a supernatural issue, such as curse or entanglement, you are trained to take care of that. If a trauma originated energetically in the past lifetime, you are trained to deal with that. DEH® gives you the foundation to practice a kind of healing that is on the forefront of healing today, but I believe will become well known in the future. Why? Because it consistently achieves powerful positive results very quickly compared with more traditional kinds of healing. As one of my clients told me, “I have been working on that issue for years, and in one session, we finally and completely dealt with it. I am ready to move on and work on another issue. When can I schedule my next appointment?” - Victoria Hoch, Austin, Texas . . . . . . . "Clearly, every time I do some deep work with this model, whether on myself or with a client, I get a clearer sense of my energy, the client’s energy, the spirits around us in the fieldit feels so natural, like coming home, it is so strange, out of my frame on some levels that it is an adjustment… I find myself feeling these moments of clarity when I just begin to smile from the inside and say to myself, "I'm an energy body!!!" I find this very freeing and full of possibilities for my physical body, my life, and my soul!" - Stephen Beck, LCSW, Portland, Oregon . . . . . . . Dear Mr. Brockman, Thank you for your generous healing session, Friday night at Santa Fe Soul. My swollen mouth which I had asked to be healed, returned to normal within three days. My face looks thinner and my dimples are back. You removed a curse that I was evil and I must say, I have less fear and my disposition has improved. Thank you so much for helping me in this enormous way. - Diane Benson, Santa Fe, New Mexico . . . . . . . "A therapist once told me that my family of origin ranked in the top 5% of most abusive families. That was not news to me, and from the age of 33, I had pursued as many quality healing experiences as I could. I worked hard at overcoming the disabilities ingrained in my personality from those early childhood experiences. I committed to years of massage therapy, Rolfing, brutally honest work with several “talk” therapists, 10 years in Al-Anon, and cranial sacral therapy with the most qualified and talented professionals I could find. And yet, at the age of 49, I found myself divorced for the third time and haunted by frequent thoughts that I would just like to die. I was a hard-working and high-functioning professional, and no one would have guessed this from the persona I presented to the world. But I just wanted to die. Not quite four years later, I consider myself healed. Certainly, there is further work to do. We always have more work to do, being human. However, I am not the same person that walked into Howard Brockman's office almost four years ago. My life is completely different. I am happier. I am thinner. I am healthier. I am more successful in my work, and better able to be a resource for others. And it never occurs to me that I'd like to die. Dynamic Energetic Healing® (DEH) has saved my life, and allowed me to achieve my most heartfelt desireto make a difference in the world. Sounds dramatic, but that's the truth. This discipline is a hope for the future, for any who seek to live a more comfortable, productive life with relationships of higher quality. The best thing that ever happened to me was to get in touch with Howard Brockman, LCSW, and pursue DEH as a tool for recovery." - Pamela Clark, Salem, Oregon . . . . . . . Dear Howard: . . . . . . . I have had the opportunity to work with Howard Brockman in his Energetic Healing practice on and off over the past seven years as particular issues came up in my life. He has been a skilled healer, mentor and guide on my quest for self-understanding and acceptance. He works with the combination of discussion-based therapy and muscle testing to uncover and focus on the source of blockages, negative beliefs and old thought patterns. The interventions he uses work with my own deepest understanding to effect healing on multiple levels. When I was ready for changes in my life to occur, I noticed subtle, but immediate shifts in my confidence and comfort level. Changes in my outward life manifested and compounded over time, reflecting changes in deeply held belief systems. I noticed the absence of old worries, fears, and coping habits as healthier beliefs and self-talk took their place. I developed better boundaries with others, with the constant stimulation of the outside world, and my own critical voice. As continuously strengthening patterns have influenced my attitudes and actions, my life has achieved a level of calm, balance, and achievement that I have never before experienced. I have been employed in the same organization for several years and have long watched people come and go from a particular position. On my best days, I wondered if I could do the job as well as anyone, but I never let myself believe that I could pull it off. Throughout my work with Mr. Brockman, we have focused on developing a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence in my abilities. Within weeks of a major breakthrough in being worthy of success, our organization went through a major realignment. I was offered the same challenging, highly visible job I had always wanted! Although our work had left me with a sense that I would be ready for new challenges whatever they may be, it was with a real sense of wonder that I reflected on the power of the Universe to bring about specific circumstances in ways that work for the highest good of all concerned. Since beginning this new position, I have been challenged and stretched, but I have also had a sense of peace and certainty that I am exactly where I should be. The sense of certainty has allowed me to give myself completely to this new adventure with the knowledge that I am in line with my Higher Self. - Kelly M., Salem, Oregon . . . . . . . This is Bryan Stiefel. I don't know if you will remember me, I came to you for healing I think about a year ago last December, or maybe it was the one before, I'm not completely certain. You helped me get rid of a dark energy that was causing nightmares and depression, and helped me establish energetic boundaries with my dad and also forgive him. I know it sounds kind of cheesy, but I was thinking about you this Thanksgiving time and how much you helped me. You must get lots of these kinds of thank you letters a lot. I just wanted to say thank you again. I am so thankful, and eternally grateful to you and the helping spirits that guided you for the healing I received. From the moment in your office I knew something had changed. I knew the depression was gone, and that the other troubles in my life and surrounding ones were on their way to healing too. No nightmares or depression since then, and my relationship with my dad is continually getting better as we both work to make it so. Had I not found you, I don't know where I'd be or what bad choices I may have made for my life. Perhaps in the future I may seek you again for healing or spiritual guidance, I don't know. But for now, thank you Howard from the deepest part of my being. The world is much better for having you in it. You are truly a rare diamond in the rough of this life. - Bryan, Salem, Oregon |
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