My training program through DEH International continues to grow. I am now willing to consider devoting more time training individuals who cannot devote the time for the intensive two and 3-day trainings that make up my established training program. As the morphic field of DEH is expanding and strengthening through the on-going sales of my book and the continued growth of trainees and graduate facilitators from within and beyond the confines of Oregon, it is a natural extension of my training program for this to emerge now.
What will work best for my schedule is a once per month small group supervision style meeting for 2-3 hours of concentrated study and practice here in Salem, Oregon. I will be encouraging you to spend as much time as you can with the other apprentices, discussing and practicing your newly acquired skills from the small-group supervised sessions. This alternative will require the same commitment to completing the curriculum that is covered in the established training program. I intend for this to be collegial and collaborative. From these seminar style meetings and the practice that follows, questions will emerge which will naturally be brought into the subsequent supervised sessions. Cost will be determined by the numbers of participating apprenticeship trainees.
I will make every effort to support you to work and practice with the local DEH International practitioners in the Portland and Salem area who have completed my training program. Practicing your newly acquired skills will be paramount and there are numerous local trainees with varying levels of proficiency.
If you have been considering learning the DEH model from me but have been unable to carve out the large blocks of time required for the existing training program due to personal scheduling constraints, this may be the best alternative for you. If you are interested, please e-mail me your current professional and personal situation so we can begin our dialogue.

© 2005 Howard Brockman :: Site updated Summer '10 :: Privacy Policy