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Possession Illness in the Psychotherapy Context

Recently, I had visits from two different clients, each of whom was afflicted by the same problem.Although this may sound unusual or even bizarre to you, I assure you that based on the feedback from each client, their affliction was quite real.I will describe one client’s experience using a pseudonym rather than her real name.

I hadn’t heard from Jenny for over two years.She initially came in for help from the loss she suffered when her father died.Though she had siblings, for a variety of reasons, Jenny ended up being the emotional caretaker of her ailing father the last decade of his life.Her father tended to be a bit of a hypochondriac and frequently felt or believed that he was experiencing some kind of life-threatening illness.Consequently, Jenny was frequently on the telephone trying to assuage him and reassure him that he was going to be okay.But when her father finally died of complications from a heart attack, Jenny was bereft. Her grieving process was complicated because she had mixed feelings about her father, with whom she had been emotionally codependent during the last years of his life.Jenny recognized the role that she had fallen into, and thus had a variety of conflicted feelings including anger and resentment, along with grief, guilt and sadness. After eight or nine sessions, she felt complete and all trauma related to the relationship she had had with her father was resolved.Her energetic boundaries were solid and she had no more unfinished business with him.That was two years ago.

When she came in for a recent appointment, she was not mentioning her father.She couldonly say that within the previous couple of weeks, she started feeling a general sense of malaise, began craving unhealthy junk food and stopped working out as she does regularly.She knew something was off but she could not identify what had caused these changes since there had been no precipitating events that she could put her finger on.When we stepped into process her muscle testing indicated she had general psychoenergetic reversal, and she needed to start with this statement “It’s not safe for me to heal.” Interventions that were called for included the Tibetan bowl and bell, followed by frontal occipital holding.It was during the F/O holding that I perceived that she had no energetic boundaries with her father and still had some conflicting feelings about the relationship she had with him.As the reversals were corrected, we began to dialogue about how she currently feels about the relationship with her father. She was very clear that she wanted to have her father (spiritually) available to consult with, and that she wanted him in her life.She told me that she would often mentally connect to him and felt that they had a very strong spiritual bond.This was curious since her muscle testing revealed she had no energetic boundaries with her father.It became evident that she needed to redefine her relationship with her father and as we discussed this further, it became clear that on an energetic level, she was keeping her father from moving on.I suspected this from our conversation, so I had her extend her arms and muscle tested her as she said (referencing to her father) the following statement: “I need you to be present on the earth plane.” The muscle testing response was strong. I then had her repeat the following statement: “I give you permission to move on.” This muscle testing response was weak.These two statements needed to be corrected, since they reflected a continuation of what had many years earlier been an unhealthy codependent relationship.We continued to dialogue about her relationship with her father, revealing that for unknown reasons, two years after she had completed her work with me about her father’s death, she still had some unresolved grieving regarding his passing on. What I had perceived earlier on when I chimed the Tibetan Bell was that there was some kind of an earthbound spirit that was attached over her left shoulder.It was when I used the frontal occipital holding intervention that I started to get impressions that she had conflicting feelings about her father. It was then that I realized it was her father that she had drawn into her energy field. Jenny needed to know that she would still be able to relate to her father on a spiritual level, even as her father moved on in his own personal spiritual evolution.After we chatted a bit more about how she could redefine the relationship with her father, she was able to reverse those statements that I earlier referenced to so that she could let go of her own emotional attachment to her father energetically, restore and maintain proper boundaries with him and restore her own homeostasis. You see, she was actually drawing him into her energy field in what became a spirit attachment issue.

This is an example of coming into right relationship with an ancestral compassionate spirit, allowing her to live her life in a healthy manner while allowing her father’s spirit to evolve in a healthy manner, even as she continued to communicate to him as a loving guide.It was during another frontal occipital holding intervention that with the assistance of my own compassionate spirits, her father’s spirit was released from her energy field and escorted to his own spiritual family.When all this was done, she commented that she began feeling herself again. I have not heard back from her and know that all is well. It is not necessary to keep an ancestral spirit bound to this middle world realm in order to stay in contact with him or her. Take note of this.

Two postscripts to this are worth mentioning. Western psychology (since its beginnings in 1900 with Freud’s elucidations starting with his seminal book on The Interpretation of Dreams), did not and does not consider problem states initiated from spiritual phenomenon as legitimate.This, I think, is very unfortunate, since all kinds of problems are caused by and perpetuated from spiritual intrusion for all kinds of different reasons.What you have just read is a case description of symptoms generated by what has been known for thousands of years in all varieties of different cultures as possession illness. People who are not treated for issues similar to this client’s case, end up supporting the pharmaceutical industry by being prescribed powerful psychoactive drugs that target their brain chemistry that never really addresses the core issue.The second point I want to mention is that this client had innocuously attended a gathering with some friends hosted by a medical intuitive who went around the circle and gave each of the participants a “reading.” Though I do not know this for certain, it is very possible that being in this collective field where people were spiritually open might have been the event that set up conditions for this ancestral earthbound spirit attachment. Jenny reported that she had no problems prior to this gathering but that they did start at some time about a week after she had that group experience.A cautionary word to the wise: be very judicious about what kinds of spiritual groups you choose to partake in, because as we know from our DEH trainings, energetic phenomena tend to always become amplified in collective processes.The week following my session with this client, I met with another client who had been stable from severe posttraumatic stress disorder that I had been working with for one year.The previous three sessions, she had reported no depression or anxiety, and had been feeling that she was moving progressively closer to terminating therapy with me.Then she attended a Native American funeral with various ceremonies that went on for 24 hours.She found it fascinating, and was actually able to participate in structured ways to support the ceremonies that were being enacted.When she came in two weeks later, it turned out that she had picked up two earthbound spirits (that had attached to her) whose energetic origin was that weekend’s ceremonies.She enjoyed herself during that weekend, and had no idea that anything negative had happened to her.But she was in a large collective field with a lot of strangers and a significant amount of grieving doing things that she was completely unfamiliar with. Her presenting symptoms were waking up in the middle of the night with a panic attack and feeling out of control emotionally for the rest of that day at work.Since then, she reported feeling fatigued with low-grade anxiety along with worry that for some unknown reason, she was regressing back to the state she was in during our initial appointment just about a year ago.Once I was able to help her determine the cause of these problems, it was a simple matter to release these attached beings so that she could feel normal once again.

I know that for some of you these assertions based on my personal experience will seem fantastic and unbelievable.However, I think that you will at least agree with me that the universe we live in is a mysterious place, and “reality” is a relative term.Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you regularly honor and pray to your higher power (in whatever form that may be), you can be reassured that you too will be safe from spiritual intrusions.

Howard Brockman, LCSW

Posted on April 11, 2009

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Howard Brockman, LCSW is one of the top psychotherapists and counselors in Salem Oregon for over 32 years. Howard has authored two popular books: Dynamic Energetic Healing and Essential Self-Care for Caregivers and Helpers. To learn more about Howard Brockman, please visit the full bio.

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