Dynamic Energetic Healing®
Integrating Core Shamanic Practices with Energy Psychology Applications and Processwork Principles
Author: Howard Brockman, LCSW
Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Columbia Press LLC
Price: $23.90
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This downloadable chapter is in .pdf format and is free for your viewing. Please keep in mind that this is a single chapter taken out from a 496 page book. While it can be appreciated for its unique content, this chapter is best understood within the larger context of the Dynamic Energetic Healing® model that is explained in great detail throughout the rest of the book. Thus when you see the cross references to other chapters and concepts, you will need to refer to the book to fully understand what these references pertain to. This chapter is copyrighted by Howard Brockman, LCSW. No part of this chapter may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsover without written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Click here to download. (313KB)
Awards for Dynamic Energetic Healing® by Howard Brockman
October, 2006
Finalist in the “New Age: Non-Fiction” category of the “BEST BOOKS 2006” National Book Awards of www.USABookNews.com
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May, 2007
Eric Hoffer Award for Excellence in Independent Publishing.
May, 2007
2007 Independent Publisher Book Award. Silver IPPY award for 2007 National Categories in Psychology/Mental Health.
May, 2007
Finalist, 2007 Nautilus Book Awards in the Health & Healing category. www.Marilynmcguire.com