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The Importance of Recreation for Longevity


Essential self-care for caregivers and helpers includes various recreational activities. What do you consider recreational? Generally, recreation includes some form of leisure and enjoyment, even fun! Recreation is definitely an essential part of our lives. It helps us to get out of the habit (or at least enjoy a brief respite) of working and fulfilling our social duties borne out of necessity or social obligation. While some people categorize recreational pursuits as “leisure time” that stands in the way of progress and prevents us from succeeding in our normative work ethic, many argue that our modern lifestyle actually demands more responsibilities than ever before, generated by too many tasks.

I happen to believe that the pursuit of recreation is central to staying sane and centered in a culture where things are seemingly moving too fast all the time. There are so many wonderful recreational choices including gardening, hiking, travel, reading and all kinds of sports. Read More »The Importance of Recreation for Longevity