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More on Exercise, Mental Health and the Brain


Nearly everyone knows that exercise reduces your stress. By working out the physical tensions at the gym, the mental tensions seem to dissipate more easily because you simply feel better. It’s also been shown that exercise increases the concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that tends to moderate the nervous system’s response to stress.

Did you know that regular vigorous exercise in many cases is just as effective (or even more effective) than antidepressant medications for depression? It’s true. It’s your endorphins that have been identified for creating those wonderful feelings of well-being and even euphoria. These drugs are just waiting to be accessed in your own brain pharmacy, and for a little bit of physical effort, they are yours for the taking. Though I am not a long distance runner, the 40-minutes of cardio effort on the stationery bike and the elliptical cross trainer that I submit myself to 3-4 times a week definitely provide me with a happy buzz that endures. I love the feeling I leave with when I’m done exercising.

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